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Щоденник «XIII-го Міжнародного театрального фестивалю жіночої творчості імені Марії Заньковецької»


4 листопада 2017р.


Національний драматичний театр Ateneul din IASI,
Roumania (Румунія)


«Пропозиція» «The proposal by A.P. Cehov»


водевіль на одну дію без антракту


Вистава йде румунською мовою з субтитрами


The vaudeville The proposal by A.P.Cehov may be considered a study about the marriage as a pact, as a freely consented alliance between a man and a woman, more than an union, not in a spiritual way, but in a pragmatic one. Before the signature and „Yes,I do” we have a demand and an offer. Ivan Vasilievici Lomov decides to propose Stepan Stepanovici Ciubutkov’s daughter, Natalia Stepanova, bringing in discussion, of course, „the dowry”, the Oxen Meadows, which gives birth to a series of conflicts and tensions, based on a game of power and domination.
The stage version changes the situation’s tragism, treated in a comical way, in a comical one, treated in a tragically manner and emphasizes a political marriage keeping as leit-motif „the dowry” - a land that doesn’t belong to any of the characters, and even so leads to earnings or losses, marriage or divorce, peace or war. The war and the tensions end by alliance, by pact, with the verb „I agree”.
What is the stake of this marriage? Which are the advantages for each side? Whose dog is better, Otkai or Ugadai - which in the performance are two real characters, two alter-egos, in fact, that mate with their masters through music and dance? These are just some questions that create a dynamic and complex performance in which the accordion and the violin maintain the joy and the pleasure of life.



Постановча група:

 Режисер - постановник - Radion GHILAȘ
Музичне рішення - Cohal DRAGOȘ
Сценографія - Cătălin TÂRZIU
Хореографія - Lorette ENACHE


Дійові особи та виконавці:

Степан Степанович Чубуков – Еміл Кошеру (Emil Coseru)
Іван Васильович Ломов – Содрін Даніле (Codrin Danila)
Наталя Іванівна Чубукова – Чезара Фанту (Cezara Fantu)
Откатай – Діана Букур (Diana Bucur)
Угадай – Штефана Міхай (Stefana Mihai)

